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How to Accept You’ve Gained Weight and Move On

There are plenty of ways to feel bad about gaining weight. After all, it’s almost universally seen as a negative thing. But here’s the truth: Weight gain is a part of life for most people. It doesn’t mean you’re failing in some way or that you are lazy, flawed, or gluttonous. In fact, weight gain is often an indication that your body is working properly and responding to stressors like age, exposure to unhealthy food and drinks, pressures from society to be thin, and so on. When you accept that you’ve gained weight and know why this has happened, it helps you move forward with confidence instead of feeling ashamed and upset by it. Here are some ways to help you do just that.

Acknowledge that you’ve gained weight.

You might think that if you don’t acknowledge that you’ve gained weight, you can just pretend it isn’t happening. But the pressure of denying that you’ve put on a few pounds is high. Feeling bad about it doesn’t help you address the root cause of why you gained it. Instead, it just leads to more anxiety, frustration, and shame. So, try to be honest with yourself about how much weight you’ve gained. You’ve probably also had some life changes that have led to stress and a busy lifestyle. All of these things can lead to weight gain.

Decide how much weight is too much for you.

So how much is too much for you? That’s up to you. Every person’s body and health status are different, so you have to decide your perfect weight based on your body type, metabolism and severity of any medical conditions that you may have. If you’re in good physical shape, and you want to lose weight, the number one thing you need to do is eat more. You can do this by eating more of the right foods, and you can also change your lifestyle, so that even if you gain weight it will be manageable. If you have a high metabolism and are not overweight or obese, then it’s okay to eat a little less. If your metabolism is higher than average, then it would be okay to eat more. However, if your metabolism is too low or too high for your body type and/or health issues that make it difficult for you to lose weight, then you should still try to eat less. Once again, it’s important to acknowledge that everyone gains weight as they age, so you’re in good company.

Celebrate your body and all it does for you.

You are amazing and your body is powerful. Even if you’ve gained weight, your body has done amazing things and it’s a good idea to acknowledge that. Take some time to celebrate your body and everything it does for you every day. Appreciate the fact that it carries you throughout the day, helps you breathe, and keeps you healthy and happy. You can also take a moment to acknowledge that your body has changed and that’s completely normal. You’re still you, though.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Whenever you feel bad about your weight, it’s common to compare yourself to others. You might feel like you’re failing because you’re not as skinny as someone like Kate Moss or because you don’t fit into the latest skinny jeans. But here’s the thing: Comparing yourself to other people will only make you feel bad about yourself. It’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different and that genetics play a huge part in how someone’s body looks, including yours. You’re not failing if you’ve gained weight; you’re just living your life. People’s bodies change for many reasons, so you’re not alone if you’ve put on a few pounds.

Do the things you’ve always done.

If you’ve gained weight and you’re feeling embarrassed about it, don’t let the change in your appearance stop you from doing the things you love. You can still go out and do the things you’ve always done. People might assume that you’ve gained weight because you don’t want to do certain things, and that’s not true at all. You can still go on hikes, go to concerts, travel, and spend time with your friends. People will probably assume you’re doing these things less often, but you can still live your life just as much as you did when you weighed less.

Commit to living a healthy life in whatever way feels right to you.

Remember, it’s also normal to have some fluctuations in your weight throughout your life. If you’ve gained weight but it’s not affecting your health in any significant way, that’s normal. But if you’re gaining weight and it’s making things like walking, sitting, and breathing difficult, it’s time to make a change. You can still be healthy at any weight, so make sure you’re doing things like eating enough protein, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly to keep your body healthy.


Gaining weight doesn’t mean that you’re doing something wrong, or that you’re a bad person. It’s perfectly normal to gain weight. There are many reasons why someone might gain weight, including age, changes in your metabolism, stress, and a lack of sleep.

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